Sunday, January 22, 2023

State of Mind?



bogsidebunny said...

FACT: The onlt time a Tranny bleeds is from the asshole after sex.

Drew458 said...

What the flaming hell balls of cow patties is this delusional garbage?

Find me one woman on earth, age 12-45, who would not trade "a state of mind" for her monthly lunar visit from Aunt Flo?

These people need a 20 year visit to a padded dim room with a very heavy locked door.

Drew458 said...

And if they're not bleeding, WTH do they need menstrual products for? Emotional therapy crotch support? Nut jobs.

Anonymous said...

Ok, ok, but, if you don't bleed, why do you need sanitary napkins or other products? They exist to deal with the blood, which you don't have...?
I'll wager someone gave you band-aids for the imaginary boo-boos you came up with..

Matthew said...

Transgenderism is a lie. Gender dysphoria is a psychosis; no further evidence is necessary.

Anonymous said...

You do need to be a lunatic to believe any of the ravings of lunatic .