Sunday, May 12, 2024



I am in the process of moving from my old place in Palm Beach County to Martin County Florida. This moving crap is a real pain in the ass. Taking a break while unpacking a mountain of boxes. Back soon.....


HAL. P. said...

Grew up in Martin county beautiful area currently live in St Lucie county.

Yes moving sucks.

Anonymous said...

Wishing you a good move Chief, thanks for all your fun posts.

clayusmcret said...

Take your time. We'll be here when you return.

The Jannie said...

Enjoy the trip!

Doom said...

Your doing the job of a man's man. Only take... what you are willing to unpack? Hope it goes well, smoothly, quickly.

Leigh said...

Good luck on the move, Chief. I moved moved here 20 years ago and never plan on moving, ever again. At least voluntarily. Waaaaay too much stuff to have to pack up.
Enjoy some down time.

Be well.

Whitehall, NY

bogsidebunny said...

Hang in there Chief. I know how much moving is a pain in the ass. I've been through many moves. The final one when I was 71.

Anonymous said...

Something I learned was to completely erase the former contents if you're reusing moving boxes, otherwise you might pick up a box of books that's labeled 'linen closet' until you turn the box around.

NewVegasBadger said...

Good Sir, you have my condolences. Moving is a pain in the ass, as it is that last one quarter of your stuff that takes three quarters of your time. It's the stuff that is not good enough to keep and haul around but too good to just throw away. And it is the only time when you might think that just maybe, just maybe you do have too many books or too much ammo when it comes time to move. Note to all, no blasphemy was intended by that last comment.

MMinWA said...

Ugh. Moved too many times in the past 5 years. I'm with you in spirit...sorry best I can do.

B.C. said...

My condolences/congrats on the move. Through my years in Uncle Sam's Autistic F*ckheads, as well as the multiple moves since (including the daughter moving several times in college), my aching knees, back, shoulders and various other body parts feel your pain.

May you find peace, serenity and fewer Communists in your new community.

Anonymous said...

Dude if you're unpacking after a week, you go too much stuff!