Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Prepping Kids For Vietnam in 1964


Rob said...

Back in those days (and earlier) we played army all the time, often with stick guns.

Bigus Macus said...

OMG, I had one way back in the day!

boron said...

In the late '40s, early '50s, as young as ten years, we (boys only) were being taught how to handle, shoot .22s
shame the Karens (and lawyers) are running the country (and the schools) today

Anonymous said...

I had one along with a Mattel M-16 and the big 4 inch toy soldiers and GI Joes. It wasn't for Vietnam but the overall cold war. Every bad character was russian like Boris Badenoff and Natasha and the enemy of Danger Mouse- Komrade and Kommisar.