Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sign of The Times



Tree Mike said...

You misspelled the Beast System.

Steve said...

Should have put everything they owned into a revocable trust. That way the people "running" the trust wouldn't own anything and they could get medicare. If the illegal aliens can get medicare; why can't true citizens get it?

Tom said...

No Medicare? I had to work 5 years after my very bad cancer to get 18 month of cobra to bridge her to Medicare at 65. My bill at MD Anderson was $660k. Insurance paid 340k. I was a research participant and the hospital wrote off the rest. $40k out of pocket for travel end deductibles. I am not complaining. I would have been dead if I stayed in Fort Worth. Best wishes for your family. Tom

Jeffery in Alabama said...

Such is the detour along life's highway for many hardworking/taxpaying American couples while invaders are treated as royal guests with immunity from crimes to boot. It is shameful.

Anonymous said...

I'm looking at this exact same scenario.
If I stay married, the medical industry gets my house, and everything we've worked for 30 years together goes away.