Tuesday, July 23, 2024

LAPD Patrol Car Collides With Civilian Vehicle During Code-3 Response


tsquared said...

That looks like a big payout.

Doom said...

Could happen. But maybe the guy was toasted, on something or other?

I don't really blame the cops on this one. I do hope they did a panel on the guy though. Then again, if you were working all night, or a double shift, reflexes can suck. Hearing can be... just off enough. Hope all made it out okay, even if he was a stoner.

boron said...

I thought the rule was: you hear a siren, you pull over to the right: you don't make a left turn; civilian vehicle is at fault.

CT Ginger said...

Was the cop driving also on the keyboard? Its not clear to me/

boron said...

@ CT Ginger
The police officer had his lights flashing and siren howling. If I were on the road, I would have pulled over to the right; I don't care what the officer was doing as long as he was driving on the road. For my own safety, I would never have pulled away from the curb until the emergency vehicles: fire engine, ambulance, police car had passed the area and all was quiet.

Anonymous said...

Cops are civilians, too. We don't live in a police state - yet.