Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Bar removes controversial sign referencing attempted assassination of Trump


Fred said...

Sure, you got your right to free speech. So do the protesters. Lighten up Nancy.

Matthew said...

No offense but learn to read the room better.

oldvet1950 said...

It's Florida. He needs to put the sign back up so everyone will know what kind of establishment it is. See if he can survive financially with only liberal yankees as the summer!

Red's woodsman. said...

Whomever authored the sign is not paying attention, and doesn't understand. All evidence shows the bullet trajectory was perfectly placed to hit Trump's brain stem, which would be instant death, had it connected.
The fact remains,when you do the math, if a .223 travelled 150yds, the bullet was approximately 50 feet past the muzzle when Trump began to twitch his head. He completed the move as the bullet was approximately 75ft from his head.
The shooter hit the target point perfectly, they did NOT miss. The people witnessed a miracle, and most did not recognize such.