Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Toys For Tots



Sambo said...

IUDs ? I think it should be IED's

Paul said...

I wonder if the community, who's taxes paid for this, were consulted on the upcoming maintenance nightmare they are about to endure?

HAL. P. said...

More like toys for tards..
Stop the militarization of police

Anonymous said...

in a few years those toys will show up at auction, save your pennies...

Red's woodsman. said...

Deadly? How is an IUD deadly? Last I knew, an Intra-Uteran Device (IUD) was a form of birth control. If you need an MRAP for such an occasion, we are in weird territory! Just a question, though, how often do law enforcement vehicles encounter I.E.D (Improvised Explosive Device)?

rickn8or said...

Layers and layers of editorial oversight...

Ruggles said...

There are no reasons for a local law enforcement agencies to have this kind of equipment . If the situation has gotten so far out of hand that they need a tank, than call in the National Guard.

Anonymous said...

I don't think LEO (the best armed criminal gangs) need to worry about IEDs. (or even IUDs......) The proper target for IEDs would be an antifa group, or maybe the current Palesimian protestors (it'd make them feel at home), or a quaint old BLM riot. That's where the IEDs would be effective.

Anonymous said...

If you don't think that they are preparing to KILL YOU in the near future, then you haven't been paying close enough attention. And civil asset forfeiture laws the the Clowns in Gowns seem to approve of, paid for this crap and your future extermination.

Dan Patterson said...

LEO, the judiciary, and DA offices are no friends of liberty, freedom, or the rule of law.
"Just doing following orders".

Anonymous said...

June 6, 2024 at 8:56 AM Anon said it correctly. these military assets in the hands of local law enforcement are so when the local police are federalized, they will have the equipment to "keep the peace".