Wednesday, December 13, 2023



The old Chief Nose Wetter was blasted from behind and pushed into another vehicle down here in Palm Beach County the other day. He hit me when I was at a stop light from behind going fast. Needless to say my Honda Pilot is going to be a Total Loss. I got banged up a bit but will live. I have not felt like blogging lately as I heal up and deal with all of the bullshit that happens in an event like this. 

Back soon folks

Stay well


Anonymous said...

I hope you are okay and take appropriate legal action. Driving in the 1970's to about 2010 was good and often relaxing. Now it is a survival event.

Steve said...

Damn I was hoping it wasn't something like that. Praying for you and hope you heal up quick and things get taken well care of.

Sedition said...

Wishing you a quick and full recovery.
Been there, done that. The bitch that caused that accident a few years ago totaled her vehicle, 2 others, and caused about 4K damage (each) of 2 other cars, mine included.

Zeeman said...

Get better man!

Anonymous said...

Take your time and heal up.
Stay Safe and look after yourself. We will all be here when you get back.

Anonymous said...

I hope the best for a quick recovery.


Gregory said...

Get well soon. I hope you didn't break any ribs.

Doom said...

Take care, Chief. I'll add you to my prayer list.

Do your best to just get at it and figure out how to find your feet again. Take care. Good luck with all the hassles and toils.

1chota said...

I am glad you weren't seriously hurt.

Bob said...

Best wishes on a speedy recovery. Also best wishes on dealing with the insurance company and the other driver.

Anonymous said...

Glad to know you're not too badly hurt. Take your time. We'll still be here.
--Tennessee Budd

ColdSoldier said...

Thanks for the update. Take care and be back soon.

Birdchaser said...

Well that's a fine Merry Christmas. Was the idiot on their phone? Happened to my wife a couple of years ago & after she called me they took everyone's phone.

Mikey said...

Hang in there!!

Irish said...


I can tell you from a first hand experience go to the hospital. Get checked out. Do Not Take a settlement. Get a lawyer. You might feel okay after a week or so but you might have damage that won't manifest for a few or more years.

Long short story. GF got in a car accident 30 years ago. A couple years back she fell on a trail and was paralyzed for 20+ minutes. At the hospital the MRI showed dislocated discs in her neck. She had no symptoms. 2 weeks later next surgery with plates and screws. Fully healed but needs to be careful.

Do yourself the favor. You never know.

Anonymous said...

get well soon

Anonymous said...

Hope you're back soon! I'm getting bored.

mike alexander said...

Glad to hear you are okay. Heal up.

The Jannie said...

Keep on truckin! Did I just give away my age?

Anonymous said...

Fast recovery !!!! said...

Please get well. I'm glad you are not seriously hurt.

coyoteken48 said...

Did you spill your drink? Get well soon and hoping you have no rough after effects. --ken

waitingForTheStorm said...

I hope you get well and recover completely.

Anonymous said...

We'll all be here when you get back, so do what you need to do and Thank God it wasn't worse.

clayusmcret said...

You get well. We'll be here when you return.

Anonymous said...

Damn, I hope you are feeling OK and will be back to 100% soon. Your fine and entertaining blog's fans will be here waiting for you. Enjoy your hiatus and have a good Christmas. I hope your tree is large enough to hold a new vehicle underneath.

MN Steel said...

Hope you and the other driver don't have the same insurance company, have multiple friends that have been left permanently screwed-up from being left out to dry.

But I'm sure the courts in Little Haifa are more fair than redneck Idaho and squishy Michigan for sussing out insurance fraud committed by the insurance company.

Leigh said...

Get well soon, Chief.
Take your time. We'll still be here when you are well enough.

Whitehall, NY

Don't mind me. said...

Best wishes for a quick recovery, there's been a lot of those "crashed suddenly" accidents lately.
As said by others, get a thorough check up and ask for the cute nurses.

Deathray said...

I was wondering where you went.
Listen to Irish. 10 years ago I was hit from behind by a truck.
Thought I was okay initially. Turns out I had 5 ruptured discs in my lower back.

My Take said...

Take your time. Tis better to heal once, than move too soon and have to start over. We'll be waiting until you return.

Jeffery in Alabama said...

Godspeed and good luck Chief!

Anonymous said...

Vehicles can be replaced, humans can't. Take all the time you need, we'll be here.

Oh, and get a good attorney too.

- WDS 2.0

buds said...

Wishing you well, I hope that your recovery is quick and without residual effects