Thursday, May 11, 2023

Anyone Care To Verify?


1 comment:

Doom said...

As to their excuses, they will find and use any they think will work, to destroy Russia. Their problem with Russia is no such thing. Their problem is that Ukraine was a money laundering service, at this point, for the elites. Too bad they wanted to shell Russian civilians living within their borders.

Which is why Russia attacked. To defend their people in that nation. As to them being a Chrisitiancentric nation? I... don't think so. A Christian nation wouldn't pretty much enthrone a former head of the KGB as their lifetime ruler if they were truly Christian. It's... all bunk.

The odd thing is, Putin wants Russia to be thought of as Christian. That they are using his propaganda, seemingly against him? Makes me wonder just how deep that rabbit hole really goes!?!

Believe or not. Do your own due diligence. But... this should give you something to begin asking questions from the world. Just... realize, if they are in on it together? Getting to the bottom will be a tricky widget. Good luck. But, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it (them, whatever).