Sunday, January 29, 2023

Now It's Eggs



Anonymous said...

Cholesterol? Hell, we've known about cholesterol for decades...

Anonymous said...

Wtf do they have against eggs?
Like seriously, has anyone else noticed its an all out f'cking war on liquid chicken?

Anonymous said...

Real food causes problems for genetically engineered humans. You will need to stop eating real food or risk death.

Anonymous said...

Choline? Yep, it ‘is’ in eggs, at about 113 mg per egg.

Hmm, your body doesn’t make it, but needs roughly what you’d get from eating four eggs (452 mg) per day (not including all the other goodness such as Vit-D in them).

Now, at what level does it become a problem? Not much research but there’s plenty of evidence that even at 3500 mg per day it’s fine for you – that’s roughly three … ‘dozen’ eggs … per day. (and you’ll need to keep that up for a sustained period to show ‘any’ signs or symptoms)

Now call me a cynic, if you must, but when the people pushing this ‘just happen to’ (purely coincidentally, I’m sure) have associations with those producing “artificial eggs”, and … the only way you’ll get anybody to pay for ‘chemical’ eggs is … if you paint real eggs as somehow bad (just like nobody will eat the ‘lab-grown’ chicken they’ve come out with unless you demonise, or destroy - cough ‘bird flu’ cough – real chickens), then you ‘should’ be questioning the truth and motives behind their claims.

Just Sayin’. (But what do I know, I'm just another "conspiracy theorist"?)