Monday, December 26, 2022

Licensing Liberty



hjets said...

I seem to remember back in the mid '70's a court ruled that the government could not charge more for a license than the actual cost of producing it. At the time, I got a refund on my CB license because of that ruling. How they're getting past that ruling, I have no idea.

Anonymous said...

And I suppose pistol permits.

Anonymous said...

It happened because We The People allowed it to.
The right was ours, we slept while it was taken away, because, it "ain't worth the fight", whats the big deal?
How'd that work out?
Heard the same BS about masks, didn't we? Whats the big deal? Is it such an inconvenience? If it saves just one life?

bogsidebunny said...

In most cases "licenses" are simplly 1-revenue generators 2-control devices.

Anonymous said...

After WW2 our elected representation decided we needed to be safe and healthy instead of free. Since then daddy gummitt has pried his sticky hands into every pocket