Monday, August 12, 2024

Vermont Schools Can Vaccinate Children against Parents’ Wishes


Vermont’s Supreme Court has ruled that schools in the state can begin vaccinating children without the knowledge or consent of their parents.

The state’s high court ruled that school officials will get the final say on vaccination and can vaccinate kids against their parents’s wishes.

Families will no longer be able to sue their children’s schools over forced vaccination following the ruling.  



hjets said...

Right now, dark thoughts are going through some parents minds in VT.

Will said...

It appears that there is a shelf life for the appreciation of individual rights. Most all the original 13 states are rushing to destroy what they originally supported in the late 1700's.

Matthew said...

Thankfully I was able to escape the Peolple's Rebublik of Vermont a few years ago after watching it being driven to ruin by leftists from points south. I'm glad I was able to successfully shepherd my kids through the public school system of our one horse village with teachers who at the time, many years ago, were moderate liberals with an average age of about 60, that would doubtless now be considered hopelessly conservative by today's "progressive" (socialist/marxist) standards.

I go back to visit but if I had tried to retire there I would have been broke by now.

Sedition said...

I don't think that the school system will have to worry about being sued by parents...

Dan said...

This is a problem. And some problems can only be solved by a funeral.

oldvet1950 said...

I bet Vermont doesn't make it easy to home school either.