Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Please Enter The Boxcar Peacefully


1chota said...

Oh my word! Do you suppose he would volunteer to be the first to leave?

Matthew said...

What on earth is this guy angling at? He's obviously smart enough to know that everything he says in the video is false, so what gives?

If 6.5 billion of the population disappeared tomorrow the last billion would be dead in 6 months.

Is he one of those "save the earth by ridding it of humans" types?

Anonymous said...

It seems to me God disagrees with your assertion, Mr. Learned Man.

ken said...

Mr.Dennis Meadows .you go first, you smug bastard! Fairness?!

Anonymous said...

well, he sure looks like he is living a better life than most with his clothes and what little is seen as a background . but I guess he not willing to leave first now is he ?
let me guess, there is too many people near where he lives ?

Matthew said...

He asserts that the world can only support a billion people. World population passed one billion in 1804, six billion by 2000. Is he just another chicken little attention whore? Nope, he's made a living at this crap for decades and, who would have guessed it, is a fair ways up the food chain at the WEF. Huh, go figure. Which puts him on my special list of those who need to be pushed down a long flight of stairs.

realwesterner said...

One of the beauties of the arrogant smugness of the inbred intellectuals crowd. "I am so much smarter that everyone (whether or not that is actually true) that I can and will dictate the terms both of my survival and your destruction." Country boy will survive, bro.

Doom said...

Never certain how these people believe what they do? If the world can't support all of us? It won't. It... is.

These people want power, just don't realize it. And, they think they will be... among those saved, in order to rid the world of the rest of us. They can't see around the corner at their power lust, or even hatred of people. They believe they are being... civil, as he said. They are the worst sorts of barbarians. Worldly, they believe. As juxtaposed to Godliness, I think they are worldly. But, unholy for it.

On the good side, as someone mentioned, if they got rid of the majority of people on this planet, those "civil" folk, who have no real skills, abilities, or capacities, beyond power hunger and perhaps a means of obtaining and weaponizing that power, wouldn't survive. It... just never works out. There... is that.

Hopefully we won't let them. I'm looking for a better place, currently. But time is tricky. They seem to be starting their genocide in the West, in developed, already population poor countries. It's not going to work out well for them. If they started in Africa, on a massive scale, then probably South/Central America, and Asia? They might have a chance. But burning the only people who could survive a near extinction event isn't... going to work.

bogsidebunny said...

All I can say is: Fantasize all you want, but You can't put 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag.