Saturday, September 24, 2022

Just Let Natural Selection Take It's Course


It treats nighttime symptoms of the cold and flu — and most definitely should not be used as a poultry marinade.

A potentially deadly trend in which buffoons are cooking chicken in NyQuil has been popularized to the point where the brand is now issuing warnings on its social media.

Known as the “NyQuil chicken” or “sleepy chicken” challenge on TikTok and other platforms, the viral trend has bozos boiling chicken breasts in the blue syrup and then eating the results. On Sept. 15, the FDA issued a warning against the dangerous practice.  FULL STORY>>>

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is one of the most stupid things I've ever heard. When I was young, we simply drank the stuff, and believe me if your liver and kidneys survive, you'll have a blast but not remember very much...